Spring has officially sprung. The change of season from winter to spring occurred this morning at 6:02 a.m. Texarkana time.Spring means different things to different people. Obviously weather wise it means longer daylight and warmer temperatures. Baseball, fishing, time at the park, and later swimming comes to mind as some of the good things to look forward to as spring begins.

Of course with the good news, comes some bad. Spring also kicks off allergy season for many. Watery eyes, sneezing, wheezing, and coughing for some of you. The warm weather also brings back the flies, mosquitoes, wasps, bees, ants, snakes, and a lot of other unwanted pests.

It also means the return of growing season, with fresh tomatoes, and other vegetables and fruits just around the corner. But on the other side of the coin, the grass and weeds grow as well, so its back to mowing and tending to the yard.

I make no bones about it, while there are favorable aspects to spring and summer, I prefer fall the best and the holiday season of winter time the most by far. So while many of you are excited about daylight savings time and hot weather, I am already longing for autumn.

Baseball and swimming as much as possible though will get me through it all..............

spring flowers
spring is here
spring flowers
spring is here


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