Since all the latest baby name popularity has been released from 2014, now is the time to check this out. Simply go to the link below and type in your name, the year you were born, and your sex and the app will calculate what your name would be if you were born today based on the popularity of your name back then. Pretty cool really!

Just a few examples:

James in 1962 was number four, so today I would be Jacob. The app also shows what your name would be based on the popularity of names in different decades. For example, my name in the 1950s would have been David. In the 1930s, it would have been William, in the 189's,1900s and 1910s it would have been George.

Lisa in 1966 was number one, so today she would be Emma.

John in 1960 was number four, so interestingly enough, John would also be Jacob today.

Some other random names:

Beth in 1968 was number 74, which would be Piper today.

Stephanie in 1987 was number six. Today that would be Mia.

William in 1972 was  number nine. Today it would be James.

Jacob in 1986 was number 32. Today it would be Henry.


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